Corn Sale time!

$6 for a bag of 13 cobs! What a deal!

Farm fresh and hand picked bags of corn are now on pre-order!

To guarantee a bag of corn we encourage all to pre-order and pre-pay.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th - 10:30am - Bowser Legion

The pick up and sale will start at 10:30.

Our volunteers need time to set up and bag the corn, so please be kind, patient and don't show up too early!

Payment Options

1. - E-transfer - - note that the payment is for corn

2. - PayPal

3. - First Credit Union (Bowser branch) - there's envelopes in the branch for you to use to make payment - just fill in the info, pop in your cash or cheque & hand it to a teller.

4. - Cash or cheque - call Jo-Anne - 250-757-2300

Please be sure to include your contact info during purchase!

Mother Nature & Corn

It's been a strange weather year and this has affected the corn crop; if we hear that the corn will not be ready, we will let you know.

The corn comes from Seiffert's Farm Market in Comox and we pick from their fields and they know best how the crop is looking.

Wanna volunteer to pick, help bag or work the sale?

As always, we're looking for some folks to help - email or give Jo-Anne a call and she'll give you the details.

Pick date - Friday, Aug 19 - in the morning

Sale date - Saturday, Aug 20 - bagging starts 9 am, pick up & sale at 10:30

Contact: Jo-Anne - 250-757-2300 or

See you there!


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